









中证信用子公司中证信用云荣获 “德勤-2020深圳高科技高成长20强”奖


这是继2018年荣获“德勤-深圳明日之星”后,中证信用云斩获的又一重量级奖项,标志着社会专业机构对公司高速成长和持续创新的肯定。“德勤-高科技高成长”系列评选项目于 1995 年起源于美国硅谷,每年在美、英、德、日、澳、中等 30 多个国家同步举行,被誉为“全球高成长企业的标杆”。往届高科技高成长榜单中涌现出了像微软、苹果、亚马逊、谷歌、特斯拉、阿里巴巴、腾讯、字节跳动、京东、百度、中芯国际、大疆等世界级科技企业。



CSCI attends the 2020 Hong Kong Fintech Week, unveiling its bond credit rating and trading services tailored made for offshore bond market.

[November 2, 2020, Hong Kong] China] China Securities Credit Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as“China Securities Credit Investment”), a national comprehensive credit service organization, together with its subsidiaries that focus on overseas strategy and business development – China Securities Credit Investment Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “China Securities Credit Technology”) and Pengyuan Credit Rating (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Pengyuan International”) made its debut again at the global renown fintech event -2020 Hong Kong Fintech Week, presenting online fintech studio regarding overseas funds entry into Chinese bond markets. A series of innovative solutions such as DMI bond quotation and information services from China Securities Credit Technology and credit rating services from Pengyuan International were also released.

Committed to providing full credit value chain services driven by technology

In 2018, China Securities Credit Investment (CSCI) made its debut at the Hong Kong Fintech Week and aroused strong responses. This year marked the fifth anniversary of Hong Kong Fintech Week with a brand new online conference mode and CSCI was invited to participate again.

As the leading Chinese integrated credit-tech service provider, CSCI aims to build an infrastructure that serves the entire life cycle of credit assets (asset generation – asset trading and exchange – asset management) empowered by its technology. It provides integrated services that cover the entire credit value chain, from credit risk management, credit enhancement, to credit asset trading services and management. In response to the low market recognition and insufficient liquidity of RMB assets in overseas markets due to opaque information, CSCI aims to provide overseas markets with high-quality and valuable international credit ratings, data and information services through the Hong Kong business platform, in order to help foreign investors understand RMB assets more comprehensively, objectively and quickly as well as increase their recognition and participation in RMB assets.

As the world economy has entered the era of low interest rates, the income of Chinese assets has obvious advantages on a global scale. The Chinese government has opened up for foreign capital markets in order to bring more money flowing in and out of the country. However, data shows that foreign capital still has concerns about entry the Chinese financial market especially the bond market. The online fintech studio on “Is Wall Street Ready to Accept Chinese Assets?” organized by CSCI and its subsidiaries aims to analyze the current situation of foreign capital entry the Chinese credit market and explore future opportunities. This panel connected distinguished guests from Shanghai, Hong Kong and Beijing, including Yang Yang, CEO of China Securities Credit Technology, Terry Zhang, Head of Global Strategy and Business Managementof Pengyuan International, and Zhai Chenxi,,Chairman of the Board of TF International Securities Group; Co-President of HengTai Securities and attracted approximately 25,000 attendees around the world.

Huge opportunities behind China’s credit bond market

“China is one of the world’s largest bond markets with the second largest scale globally. At present, international investors only account for about 10% of our local interest bond market. It is expected that the proportion of international investors in China’s bond local currency market will increase to 20% in the near future,” Zhai Chenxi from TF International put it.

When it comes to the differences between China’s bond transactions and overseas‘, Yang Yang from China Securities Credit Technology (CSCT) admitted that due to the lack of information about Chinese bonds on the overseas market platforms, foreign institutions do not know which direction to focus on when investing in Chinese bonds. In response to it, Yang Yang introduced the current status of the domestic credit bond market and the main trading methods, and stated: “In China, about 90% of Chinese bond issuers have not made their debut in the international market. Therefore, despite the great opportunities behind China’s credit bond market, foreign investors are not familiar with them.”

As a market innovator, CSCT has built a comprehensive bond information platform for global financial institutions. The DMI terminal launched by CSCT made great efforts to eliminate the information asymmetry of the two markets. It determines to build a Chinese bond quotation and information platform for overseas investment institutions, and provide foreign investors with various analytical tools and first-hand news information. It helps them better understand the Chinese market, effectively reduce credit risk, and use technology to empower China’s credit bond market. This will be the gateway for foreign investors into the Chinese market.

Huge data value in China’s domestic ratings

Regarding the doubts of global investors about whether China’s domestic credit ratings are inflated, Terry Zhang from Pengyuan International stated that China’s domestic ratings are in parallel with global credit ratings and cannot be directly compared. The global investors must realize a few things, firstly these domestic ratings are just of a different scale than the one they used to; seccondly, the domestic rating does carry great data value although it has much room to improve, and lastly, they should never confuse domestic rating to the global ones when they make investment decision.

As an international credit rating agency, Pengyuan International understands the differences between global and domestic credit ratings and is committed to providing reliable rating services for the global capital market. It uses data to enable international investors to better understand market trends through rating agencies. In addition to the distribution of global ratings authorized by the issuer, Pengyuan International can also conduct ratings based on the needs of global investors, according to the global scale, and combined with local conditions, which can well support and improve the decision-making of global investors.

Chen Hao, Chief Data Officer of CSCI put it: “We are honored to participate in Hong Kong Fintech Week again. As China’s leading credit technology company, China Securities Credit Investment Group will rely on highly effective technology innovation and keen sense of the market demand, forge ahead and become a highly influential technology service provider in China’s offshore bond market.”


【2020年11月2日,中国香港】全国性的综合信用服务机构 – 中证信用增进股份有限公司(以下简称“中证信用”)携旗下专注海外战略和业务拓展的子公司 – 中证信用科技有限公司(以下简称“中证科技”)和鹏元资信评估(香港)有限公司(以下简称“鹏元国际”)亮相全球金融科技盛会 – 2020香港金融科技周,带来聚焦海外资金进入中国债券市场话题的线上圆桌研讨会。中证科技的DMI债券报价与信息服务和鹏元国际的信用评级服务等系列创新解决方案也在此次金融科技周重磅发布。






“中国是全球最大的债券市场之一,规模位居全球第二。目前国际投资者只占我们本地利息债券市场的10%左右。预计不久的将来,国际投资者占中国债券本币市场的比例会提升至20%。” 天风国际翟晨曦如是表示。














