







China Securities Credit Investment showcases its leading credit-tech service at Hong Kong FinTech Week 2018

Posted on October 31, 2018 by Fintech Asia

HONG KONGOct. 31, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — China’s leading credit-tech service provider, China Securities Credit Investment Co., Ltd. (“China Securities Credit Investment”), made its global debut at the world’s most anticipated cross-border FinTech event – Hong Kong FinTech Week 2018 (“Fintech Week”). As one of China’s leading FinTech companies, China Securities Credit Investment introduced its leading credit-tech services which are empowered by data and technology through its open exhibition booth, keynote presentation and new media display. Hao Chen, Chief Data Officer of China Securities Credit Investment, was also invited to speak at the roundtable “China FinTech Summit: The FinTech Ecosystem” together with experts from JD Finance and VCredit during the Fintech Week.

The Fintech Week was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and is the world’s first cross-border financial technology event, taking place in both Hong Kong and ShenzhenIt is one of the largest conferences on the calendar, attracting more than 8000 senior executives and featuring over 200 of the world’s top FinTech entrepreneurs, investors, regulators, and scholars, who are shaping the future of financial services by driving a technological revolution in the industry across Asia and globally.

This Fintech Week was China Securities Credit Investment’s global debut show. According to Hao Chen, credit-tech has become a critical drive of the modern financial industry. With data and technology being the key enablers, it is reshaping the credit industry and financial landscape. The new paradigms of economic development, regulatory environment and financial industry have endowed credit-tech with a large variety of application scenarios. As the leader in China’s credit-tech field, China Securities Credit Investment endeavours to use technology to build an infrastructure that serves the entire lifecycle of the credit assets (asset generation – asset trading and exchange – asset management). The company provides integrated services that cover the entire credit value chain, from credit risk management, credit enhancement, to credit asset trading services and management, which help to reduce the cost of credit risk management, accelerate credit asset circulation, and mitigate the risk of credit asset investments.

China Securities Credit Investment provides comprehensive credit value chain services to the financial market with its bond credit risk management platform, small and medium-sized enterprises loan assistance service platform, consumer finance loan assistance service platform and credit asset quotation service platform, revolving around four major application scenarios, i.e. large enterprise finance, small and medium-sized enterprise finance, consumer finance and RegTech service. Despite a relatively short operating history of three years, the company has shown tremendous development and has provided professional and customized credit services to more than 4,000 institutional clients including industrial and commercial enterprises, new economy companies, financial institutions, government departments and online platforms.

During the Fintech Week, the experts of China Securities Credit Investment and its subsidiaries brought a series of keynote speeches covering topics such as:

  1. New era for data-driven bond credit analysis
  2. Stronger data risk control for better consumer finance
  3. “Blockchain finance for stronger SMEs
  4. Is FinTech the magic key to solve bond liquidity dilemma in China?”

These keynote speeches focused on hot topics such as small and medium-sized enterprise financing, bond credit, consumer finance risk management and showcased the comprehensive credit-tech services driven by data and technology that China Securities Credit Investment is proud to provide.

At the exhibition, China Securities Credit Investment also presented three products to the participants – namely CreditMaster (the integrated bond credit risk solution), CreditPortal (360-degree view of enterprise credit risk), and Dealing Matrix (the one-stop pricing information platform of the inter-institutional market). The products attracted a surging crowd of guests and were received highly.

“As China’s leading credit-tech service provider, we are honoured to participate in the Hong Kong FinTech Week this year and meet with top FinTech unicorns from all over the world. Looking forward, we will keep leveraging our strength in data, technology and finance, and providing the most trustworthy credit-tech services to the financial market,” said Jianwen Zhang, Chief Strategy Director of China Securities Credit Investment.

About Hong Kong Fintech Week

2018 Hong Kong FinTech Week is the world’s first cross-border financial technology event, taking place in Hong KongAsia’s financial capital, and in Shenzhen, China’s Silicon Valley. The event focuses on the most popular industry developments and the huge potential of the Greater Bay Area, with special attention paid to FinTech, Artificial Intelligence, online banking, blockchain and other emerging trends. The cross-border event has become an important channel for the development and application of FinTech in the Greater Bay Area. It has attracted a large number of quality enterprises and will strengthen exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen in the field of FinTech and promote Asia’s and the world’s technological revolution in the industry, shaping the future of financial services.


About China Securities Credit Investment

China Securities Credit Investment Co., Ltd. (“China Securities Credit Investment”) is a leading Chinese integrated credit-tech service provider. It was established on May 27th, 2015 and is registered in Qianhai, Shenzhen. The Shenzhen headquarter office is located on the 44th floor of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Square. It has a registered capital of RMB 4.58598 billion. It also has a credit rating of AAA with a stable outlook issued by leading domestic credit rating agencies.

Empowered by its technology, China Securities Credit Investment aims to build an infrastructure that serves the entire life cycle of credit assets (asset generation – asset trading and exchange – asset management). We provide integrated services that cover the entire credit value chain, from credit risk management, credit enhancement, to credit asset trading services and management, which help to reduce the cost of credit risk management, accelerate credit asset circulation, and mitigate the risk of credit asset investments.


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中证信用亮相2018香港金融科技周 引领信用科技新市场

作者:齐晓彤  来源:香港商报网 

【香港商報網訊】記者齊曉彤報道:今日, 中證信用增進股份有限公司(簡稱“中證信用”)亮相全球首個跨境金融科技盛會– 2018香港金融科技周。是次大會聚焦最熱門的金融科技、人工智能、區塊鏈等行業发展以及粵港澳大灣區的龐大潛力,將強化港深兩地在金融科技領域的交流和合作。








在展會現場,中證信用還重磅推出並展示了旗下公司的3款產品,分別是一體化債市投資信用風險解決方案-債乎CreditMaster、全方位企業信用風險查詢平台-中證預鑒CreditPortal和一站式聚合報價信息平台-Dealing Matrix,吸引到了眾多參展嘉賓的關注,並獲得廣泛好評。




China Securities Credit Investment showcases its leading credit-tech service at Hong Kong FinTech Week 2018

[October 31, 2018] China’s leading credit tech service provider, China Securities Credit Investment Co., Ltd. (“China Securities Credit Investment”), made its global debut at the world’s most anticipated cross-border FinTech event – Hong Kong FinTech Week 2018 (“Fintech Week”). As one of China’s leading FinTech companies, China Securities Credit Investment introduced its leading credit tech services which are empowered by data and technology through its open exhibition booth, keynote presentation and new media display. Hao Chen, Chief Data Officer of China Securities Credit Investment, was also invited to speak at the roundtable “China FinTech Summit: The FinTech Ecosystem” together with experts from JD Finance and VCredit during the Fintech Week.

The FinTech Week was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and is the world’s first cross-border financial technology event, taking place in both Hong Kong and Shenzhen. It’s one of the largest conferences on the calendar, attracting more than 8000 senior executives and featuring over 200 of the world’s top FinTech entrepreneurs, investors, regulators, and scholars, who are shaping the future of financial services by driving a technological revolution in the industry across Asia and globally.

This FinTech week was China Securities Credit Investment’s global debut show. According to Hao Chen, credit-tech has become a critical drive of the modern financial industry. With data and technology being the key enablers, it is reshaping the credit industry and financial landscape. The new paradigms of economic development, regulatory environment and financial industry have endowed credit-tech with a large variety of application scenarios. As the leader in China’s credit-tech field, China Securities Credit Investment endeavours to use technology to build an infrastructure that serves the entire lifecycle of the credit assets (asset generation – asset trading and exchange – asset management). We provide integrated services that cover the entire credit value chain, from credit risk management, credit enhancement, to credit asset trading services and management,which help to reduce the cost of credit risk management, accelerate credit asset circulation, and mitigate the risk of credit asset investments.

China Securities Credit Investment provides comprehensive credit value chain services to the financial market with its bond credit risk management platform, small and medium-sized enterprises loan assistance service platform, consumer finance loan assistance service platform and credit asset quotation service platform, revolving around four major application scenarios, i.e., large enterprise finance, small and medium-sized enterprise  finance, consumer finance and RegTech service. Despite a relatively short operating history of three years, the company has shown tremendous development and has provided professional and customized credit services to more than 4,000 institutional clients including industrial and commercial enterprises, new economy companies, financial institutions, government departments and online platforms.

During the FinTech Week, the experts of China Securities Credit Investment and its subsidiaries brought a series of keynote speeches covering topics such as 1) “New era for data-driven bond credit analysis “,2) “Stronger data risk control for better consumer finance”,3) ” Blockchain finance for stronger SMEs “, 4) ” Is FinTech the magic key to solve bond liquidity dilemma in China?”. These keynote speeches focused on hot topics such as small and medium-sized enterprise financing, bond credit, consumer finance risk management and showcased the comprehensive credit-tech services driven by data and technology that China Securities Credit Investment is proud to provide.

At the exhibition, China Securities Credit Investment also presented three products to the participants – namely CreditMaster (the integrated bond credit risk solution), CreditPortal(360-degree view of enterprise credit risk), and Dealing Matrix (the one-stop pricing information platform of the inter-institutional market). The products attracted a surging crowd of guests and were received highly.

“As China’s leading credit-tech service provider, we are honoured to participate in the Hong Kong Fintech Week this year and meet with top FinTech unicorns from all over the world. Looking forward, we will keep leveraging our strength in data, technology and finance, and providing the most trustworthy credit-tech services to the financial market. ” Said Jianwen Zhang, Chief Strategy Director of China Securities Credit Investment.



2018 Hong Kong FinTech Week is the world’s first cross-border financial technology event, taking place in Hong Kong, Asia’s financial capital, and in Shenzhen, China’s Silicon Valley. The event focuses on the most popular industry developments and the huge potential of the Greater Bay Area, with special attention paid to FinTech, Artificial Intelligence, online banking, blockchain and other emerging trends. The cross-border event has become an important channel for the development and application of FinTech in the Greater Bay Area. It has attracted a large number of quality enterprises and will strengthen exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen in the field of FinTech and promote Asia’s and the world’s technological revolution in the industry, shaping the future of financial services.



ABOUT China Securities Credit Investment

China Securities Credit Investment Co., Ltd. (“China Securities Credit Investment”) is a leading Chinese integrated credit-tech service provider. It was established on May 27th, 2015 and is registered in Qianhai, Shenzhen. The Shenzhen headquarter office is located on the 44th floor of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Square. It has a registered capital of RMB 4.58598 billion. It also has a credit rating of AAA with a stable outlook issued by leading domestic credit rating agencies.

Empowered by its technology, China Securities Credit Investment aims to build an infrastructure that serves the entire life cycle of credit assets (asset generation – asset trading and exchange – asset management). We provide integrated services that cover the entire credit value chain, from credit risk management, credit enhancement, to credit asset trading services and management,which help to reduce the cost of credit risk management, accelerate credit asset circulation, and mitigate the risk of credit asset investments.


中证信用亮相2018香港金融科技周 引领信用科技新市场

【2018年10月31日,中国香港】10月31日,中国领先的信用科技综合服务商 – 中证信用增进股份有限公司(以下简称“中证信用”)亮相全球首个跨境金融科技盛会–  2018香港金融科技周。作为中国领先的创新金融科技企业代表,中证信用以极具特色的开放式展台、重磅专题分享和热门平台的新媒体演示等,展现了其数据和科技驱动的全信用价值链的新型服务体系,吸引到众多参展嘉宾的关注。中证信用首席数据官陈浩先生亦受邀参加备受关注的“中国金融科技峰会:金融科技生态圈”的圆桌讨论,与京东金融、维信金科的专家等共议未来金融科技的生态构建话题。





在展会现场,中证信用还重磅推出并展示了旗下公司的3款产品,分别是一体化债市投资信用风险解决方案-债乎CreditMaster、全方位企业信用风险查询平台-中证预鉴CreditPortal和一站式聚合报价信息平台-Dealing Matrix,吸引到了众多参展嘉宾的关注,并获得广泛好评。



2018第三届香港金融科技周活动是全球首个跨境金融科技盛会,横跨亚洲金融首都香港和中国硅谷深圳,聚焦最热门的行业发展以及粤港澳大湾区的庞大潜力,特别关注金融科技、人工智能、网上银行、区块链等议题。跨境盛会成为了大湾区金融科技发展及应用的重要通道,吸引了大批优质企业参与,将强化港深两地在金融科技领域的交流和合作,推动亚洲乃至全球的行业技术革命,塑造着金融服务的未来。 https://www.fintechweek.hk/



CSCT won the “2018 Deloitte – Shenzhen Star of the Future”

On October 11, 2018, the award ceremony of “2018 Deloitte Shenzhen High-tech High-growth Top 20 and Deloitte-Shenzhen Star of the Future” hosted by Deloitte China and Shenzhen Business Federation was held in Shenzhen, with more than 100executives, industry leaders, VC/PE partners from high-growth high-tech enterprises attended the event. China Security Credit Technology  Co., Ltd., (referred as CSCT), a subsidiary of CSCI, won the “2018 Deloitte-Shenzhen Star of the Future” award for its innovative business model and strong development potential. The same batch of award-winning enterprises also include NetScience Technology, Weizhong Tax Silver, and Obi Zhongguang.

According to the organizer, the selection has been held for five years. This year’s selection is based on the theme of ‘from unicorns to stamina – from fineness to excellence’, it comprehensively assessed applicants’ innovative capabilities, business models, products and technologies, and core management teams. After three to four months of open and rigorous field trips and expert review, the panel of experts selected the final list, aiming to identify and recognize the uniquely innovative and fast-growth science and technology enterprises in the Shenzhen region. In the past years, the companies that won the “Shenzhen Star of the Future” award included FenQiLe, Samoyed Financial, and DaDa Bus, etc.

Ms. Pan Lin, President of CSCT, was invited to attend the awards ceremony and participated in the roundtable forum on the theme of “New Trends in Financial Technology”, discussed with Chen Lei, the Chief Strategy Officer of HanDe Group, Shi Wei, the General Manager of VZOOM Credit, Li Xing, the CTO of Shengye Capital. When talking about the development of breakthrough technology in the field of financial technology in the past three years, Pan Lin said that CSCI has always adhered to the strategy of driving finance with technology. Since the beginning of last year, CSCT has been investing in the blockchain, artificial intelligence, etc. The concept of building a credit bridge for the investment side and the asset side of the consumer finance eco-chain has been adhered, the credit technology has been implemented in a down-to-earth manner to help the development of high-quality credit companies. Over the past year, the company’s main  business partners such as 51 Credit Card, Yixin Group, WeixinJinke, etc. have achieved IPO, which is also a great affirmation of the value of CSCT.

China Securities Credit Investment Received the First Batch of Trusted Blockchain Evaluation and Certification Assigned by China’s ICT

On October 9-10, 2018, the “2018  Trusted Blockchain Summit” jointly sponsored by China Institute of Information and Communication, and China Communications Standards Association was held in Beijing. The evaluation results of the first batch of trusted blockchain products in 2018 were released. China Securities Credit Investment’s blockchain product “Hyperledger Fabric-Based Financial Blockchain Service Platform” has been evaluated by experts and industrial peers, in the dimensions of product function, product performance and stability, the product won the unanimous approval of peers and has become one of the first platforms to pass the certification test.

As an emerging technology, the blockchain faces problems such as lack of standards and immature underlying technologies. For this reason, China’s ICT along with 158 ​​companies launched the “Trusted Blockchain Promotion Plan” to accelerate the construction of trusted blockchains standard system. Under the joint promotion of all parties in the industry chain, the “Trusted Blockchain Promotion Plan” completed the formulation of the first trusted blockchain standard in China and completed the standard testing of each blockchain product of the registered enterprises. In this 2018 trusted blockchain standard evaluation, 42 manufacturers signed up for testing, and finally 20 manufacturers passed the initial screening, only 14 of which passed the certification test in one trial.

Zhang Zhe, general manager of  online product business unit at China Securities Credit Investment, said at the summit that as a leading credit-technology service provider in China, we are committed to helping the entire life cycle of credit assets (asset generation – asset trading – assets) through technology-driven management and distributed credit infrastructure. Our integrated solution  reduces the cost of credit risk management, improves the efficiency of credit asset liquidity, and resolves the risk of credit asset investment by providing customers with credit risk management, credit enhancement, credit asset transaction management and other full credit value chain services. The blockchain technology, as a technology that builds a multi-party trust system, has become an infrastructure in the field of credit technology in China, and placed in a variety of business scenarios, and began to export.

This year, China Securities Credit Investment’s blockchain products are accelerating the launching of the scenario applications, and a number of scenarios based on blockchain aggregation of small and medium-sized micro-financial service platforms, supply chain finance, and regulatory technology.