聚焦区块链革命,破解供应链金融难题 中证信用专家出席“新金融100人”主题论坛










监管科技结硕果 中证信用喜获“制度创新实验室”称号

2018年4月27日,前海蛇口自贸片区“改革开放再出发——新平台 新标杆 新作为”系列活动主活动在前海企业公馆特区馆举行,深圳市委常委、前海蛇口自贸片区管委会主任田夫等领导出席了活动。本次会上发布了自贸片区设立三周年改革创新成果报告,并举行了制度创新基地、中心、实验室授牌仪式。中证信用因服务监管科技成绩卓著而被授予“制度创新实验室”称号,并获颁荣誉牌匾。







China Securities Credit Investment Awarded “Institutional Innovation Lab”, a top recognition in the field of supervision technology support

On April 27, 2018, the main activity of the series of activities of “Reform and Opening Again – New Platform, New Benchmarking, and New Action” in QianhaiShekou Free Trade Zone was held in the Qianhai Enterprise Mansion Pavilion. The Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal Committee and the director of QianhaiShekou Free Trade Zone Management Committee, Tian Fu, along with other leaders, attended the event. At the meeting, the report on the third anniversary of the establishment of the free trade zone was announced, and the awarding ceremony for the system innovation base, center and laboratory was held. CSCIwas awarded the title of “Institutional Innovation Lab” for its outstanding achievements in service supervision and technology, and was awarded an honorary plaque.

As a national capital market basic functional company, China Securities Credit Investment is committed to “data-driven, technology-led, and new-finance”, and actively explores the path of regulatory technology, and proposes solutions for regulatory technology needs in different scenarios, and China Securities Credit Investment has achieved unanimous approval of the relevant government departments.

When talking about Qianhai’s achievements in financial supervision and innovation, China Securities Credit Investment has been highly praised by the “White Paper” released on the event for its active participation in the construction of the first Shenzhen Private Equity Fund Information Service Platform, and its exploration in  “regulation, self-discipline, and service” model of “Internet + Big Data”. At the same time,  China Securities Credit Services Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Securities Credit Investment, effectively filled the industry gap and was widely recognized by pioneering the  big data-driven appropriateness management solution. The program helps investors to protect investors’ rights and interests while meeting the compliance requirements of regulators by comprehensively and dynamically assessing investor risk tolerance, real-time positioning and monitoring of investor appropriateness risks.

In addition, in response to the pain points and problems in the consumer finance sector, the company’s subsidiary,  China Securities Credit Technology Co., Ltd., tailored an asset risk management solution – “The asset risk management platform based on Tencentblock chainTrustSQL technology in the consumer finance scenario (云瞻).Relyingon the “sharing, consensus and shared support” features of the block chain,云瞻 platform realized the real-time penetration monitoring of the underlying assets from the “information, capital and equity” levels, further increased the credibility of the data, and was successfully selected as “2017 Trusted Blockchain Summit Excellent Application Case”.

In the future, China Securities Credit Investmentand its subsidiaries will continue to leverage on the company’s professional understanding of capital markets and credit, relying on rich, stable and high-quality credit data resources and professional technology to maintain innovation and mechanisms, and strive for greater contribution in financial technology and the regulation of technological innovation.