中证信用子公司鹏元评级完成股份制改造 全面进入发展新阶段

2018年11月13日,中证信用控股子公司中证鹏元资信评估股份有限公司(即原“鹏元资信评估有限公司,简称:鹏元评级”)(以下简称“公司”、“中证鹏元”)发布公告称,公司已完成股份制改造,并经深圳市市场监督管理局核准,公司名称于 2018 年11 月5日由“鹏元资信评估有限公司”变更登记为“中证鹏元资信评估股份有限公司”。更名后,公司的经营范围、业务主体以及法律关系不变。



新气象,新机遇,新目标。中证鹏元将继续坚持“规范化、专业化、国际化、科技化”的发展战略,进一步完善法人治理结构,恪守 “以诚为本”的经营理念,秉持“独立、客观、公正”的执业原则,合规运营,规范管理,优化管控流程,加大科技投入,完善评级方法和技术,强化投资者服务,严格把控评级质量,提升公信力和影响力,致力于发展成为最值得信赖的专业化评级机构。同时,继续推动国际化进程,积极拓展境外业务,构建国际视角的评级技术,形成全球评级的核心能力,在国际资本市场上发出来自中国的评级声音,提升我国评级行业的国际竞争力和影响力。



China Securities Credit Investment successfully selected as the first batch of national integrated credit service providers named by NDRC

In order to cultivate the development of credit service institutions and credit service market and accelerate the construction of social credit system, on October 31st the Office of the National Development and Reform Commission (referred as “NDRC”) issued a circular on “Promoting the pilot work of the integrated credit service institutions” (No. 2018-1343). First 26 professional institutions were identified to participate in the pilot program of integrated credit service institutions, and China Securities Credit Investment Co., Ltd. (referred as “China Securities Credit Investment” or “company”) was successfully selected.

In the early March this year, NDRC issued a circular on ” Fully mobilizing credit service institutions to accelerate the construction of social credit system” (No.2018-190),  with the plan to explore a pilot program for credit service institutions in the focused industries and regions.

As a China’s leading credit-tech service provider, China Securities Credit Investment aims to build an infrastructure that serves the entire life cycle of credit assets (asset generation – asset trading and exchange – asset management). Empowered by proprietary technology, we provide integrated services that cover the entire credit value chain, from credit risk management, credit enhancement, to credit asset trading services and management,which help to reduce the cost of credit risk management, accelerate credit asset circulation, mitigate the risk of credit asset investments, and facilitate the development of real economy.

Being successfully selected as the first batch of integrated credit service institutions named by NDRC, indicates that the company’s credit technology service capabilities has been affirmed and recognized by the government departments. As a selected institution, China Securities Credit Investment will play an active role in delivering our expertise and advantages, promoting the construction of social credit system and meeting the demand for market-oriented credit services. The company is committed to exploring various fields of application including the credit information collection, processing, and evaluation, the commercial application of credit big data, credit services in the public administrative management scenario, etc. China Securities Credit Investment will adhere to the spirit of professionalism, and resolutely implement the objectives of the requirements, using our high-quality services to promote the first batch of integrated credit service institutions pilot program.











Yang Yang : Is FinTech the magic key to solve bond liquidity dilemma in China?

In the past few years, the Chinese bond market has been developing rapidly, but shows very low liquidity. What are the causes of the problem? We will look at this problem from 3 dimensions: development stage of market, the source of funding, and trading structure of the market.

Considering the development stage, China’s bond market has a relatively short history, thus market infrastructure is still inadequate. In terms of source of funding, banks are the biggest players in China’s bond market which supply 99% of the funds in the market. But banks are so risk averse that they have little interest in the secondary market bond trading. As for trading structure of the market, the US bond market has a multi-layer structure, yet China’s bond market is much more flat. In the US there are more than 40 electronic trading platforms catering the need of different types of customers. As a result, the liquidity of assets increased tremendously. However, in China the penetration of electronic trading is low, with 70-80% of bond trading still being conducted through traditional voice brokering.

However, the liquidity of the Chinese bond market has started to improved. Various investment tools such as financial monitoring model, portfolio management system, public opinion surveillance and trading price monitoring signals, are increasingly used by institutional investors. More e-trading platforms begin to enter this market, which will rapidly improve bond liquidity. Fin-tech is the magic key to solve bond liquidity dilemma in China.