CSCI shared credit-tech applications at OMFIF Singapore Summit

On June 12th of 2019, the 6th Global Public Investor Launch and Seminar of the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) was held in Singapore. Practitioners across central banks, sovereign funds and public pension funds attended the summit to discuss the topics around the development trend of global public investors and a sustainable world economy. Some representatives included experts from the World Bank Group, the Federal Reserve of United States, Japan’s Financial Services Agency, the Bank of England, the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement system, Fitch Ratings, etc. Jianwen Zhang, the Chief Strategy Officer of CSCI(China Securities Credit Investment Co., Ltd.)and the team were invited to attend the summit to give a speech on harnessing financial technology, and share the business innovation and practice of CSCI in the area of credit technology.

The site of OMFIF Global Public Investor Launch and Seminar in Singapore

As the representative from CSCI pointed out during the summit, as a leading credit-tech provider in China, CSCI endeavors to use technology to build an infrastructure that serves the entire lifecycle of the credit assets (asset generation – asset trading and exchange – asset management). CSCI provides integrated services that cover the entire credit value chain, from credit risk management, credit enhancement, to credit asset trading services and management,which help to reduce the cost of credit risk management, accelerate credit asset circulation, and mitigate the risk of credit asset investments. At present, CSCI has provided professional credit ratings, customized credit risk solutions, and credit technology-driven asset management services for more than 4,000 institutional clients such as industrial and commercial enterprises, new economies, financial institutions, government departments, and internet platforms.

Especially in the aspect of supply chain finance, CSCI has effectively built a multi-party trust system through blockchain technology and big data risk control technology, serving the small and micro enterprises as an independent service provider. In the case of supply chain financing, CSCI completes the loop of goods flow, information flow as well as the capital flow. As a result, the core anchor enterprise’s payment creditability is passed through to the second, third and fourth-level suppliers, so that the small and medium-sized suppliers can easily obtain financing from banks. To some extent, this mechanism has effectively solved the financing problems of the small and micro enterprises.

Representatives from CSCI discussed fintech applications with other experts

In addition, CSCI will also publish an article on the Bulletin magazine of OMFIF, titled “China’s bond market is too big to miss”. Valued at $13tn, China’s onshore bond market is the third largest in the world, making up 11% of the bonds market globally. Despite its massive size and potential, China still remains one of the least penetrated bond markets by global investors. According to the People’s Bank of China, at the end of 2018, foreign investors accounted for 2.3% of the market in terms of value. However, this has started to change. Bloomberg has begun including Chinese government bonds and policy bank securities in its $54trn Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate index. The inclusion into major global benchmarks is expected to attract trillions in foreign inflows and reshape global capital markets in the coming years.

Jianwen Zhang argues that CSCI can make an ideal partner for international investors as they increase investment allocation to China. CSCI’s complete and real-time database for China’s capital markets, credible and intelligent credit evaluation model, effective price discovery, and thought leadership from more than 200 credit analysts, make us a one-stop access to China’s credit bonds.


2019年6月12日,国际货币金融机构官方论坛(OMFIF) 第六届全球峰会在新加坡举行,包括来自世界银行、美联储、日本金融厅、英格兰银行、新西兰养老基金、惠誉评级等30多个国家和地区的央行代表、主权基金和公共养老基金代表等出席了会议,并就全球公共投资者和世界经济的可持续发展话题展开讨论。中证信用首席战略官张剑文一行应邀出席会议,就金融科技驱动经济发展的话题进行了主题发言,并分享了中证信用在信用科技领域的业务创新与实践。





此外,中证信用还应邀为OMFIF专业杂志《The Bulletin》撰写题为《中国债券市场大到不可忽视》的署名文章,指出:中国境内债券市场规模已达到13万亿美元,是全球第三大债券市场,占全球债券市场的11%。尽管中国债券市场规模巨大且潜力惊人,但中国仍然是全球投资者渗透率最低的债券市场之一。根据中国人民银行的数据,截至2018年底,外国投资者持有中国债券占市场总量的2.3%。然而这个局面正开始变化。彭博已开始将中国政府债券和政策性银行债券纳入其54万亿美元的彭博全球综合指数中。预计未来几年,中国债券纳入主要全球指数的过程将吸引数万亿外国资本流入中国。
